Meditation Politics

Ruminations on the death of Pat Robertson

Originally posted by Rachel Tompkins. Reposted by permission.

by Elizabeth Dilley

This poem was written by my dear friend K on the occasion of Pat Robertson’s death. It’s as profoundly theological as anything my clergy colleagues have shared, and certainly more theologically robust than anything I could say about it. I’m posting because I’m going to want to remember this poem for years to come. Maybe you will, too: 

I don’t like to think 
About Pat Robertson going to hell. 
That lets him off too easy. 
I like to think about 
Pat Robertson finding himself
In a heaven he never believed
Would exist. 

Where Divine is reading in drag 
To the children murdered at Sandy Hook and Uvalde.
While Edie Windsor 
And Gertrude Stein drink coffee
In the breakfast nook
talking politics with Harvey Milk. 

Where Matthew Shepard relaxes by 
A stream, reading poetry to |
A nameless young man whose family 
Never claimed his body 
when he died 

Where the music plays loudly 
Welcoming dancers from the Pulse 
And Club Q to the floor where they 
Twirl and vogue with 
All the murdered trans women of color 
Whose names we never knew. 

Where Jesus puts his arm around 
Pat Robertson’s shoulders and 
Drapes them with a rainbow feather boa.
And, gesturing around him says
Come, meet my disciples.

Many of us grew up with Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, Oral Roberts, and Pat Robertson. They are all gone but, sadly, their legacy remains.


Great Day!

Today was a glorious day. I was able to walk two miles shirtless. It’s been a long while since I enjoyed that.

Recent rains have brought out desert flowers. There weren’t many here. I’ve got to go to more remote areas to see displays of flowers.

The mountains are still snow capped. I’ve never seen so much snow in the nearby mountains. We shouldn’t have any water shortages this year.


Pain Management

Now reading …

The book was suggested by Ezra Klein in his podcast. In fact, he interviewed Dr Zoffness. I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I was motivated to read the book.

She writes about CBT — cognitive behavioural therapy — as a means of overcoming chronic pain. Emotions play a critical role in the experience of pain.

I have found considerable relief from my chronic back pain in meditation. Transcendental Meditation overcomes stress, and doing so relieves a pain trigger.


Healing Back Pain

Another, possibly better, book about back pain relief.

Sarno’s book explains what is the cause of chronic pain. There is no rational reason for it. It is something the mind makes up to divert attention from more deep-seated problems that one may not even be consciously aware of. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have been misdiagnosed and prescribed treatment that works only temporarily. Many of those people became addicted to opioids because their doctors prescribed the wrong treatment.

I’m still reading. My back pain has been reduced to really no pain. My lower back is slightly malformed, and so I can expect a twinge when I get up in the morning or stress my back excessively. This is mild and disappears quickly.

I am also relying on Transcendental Meditation to resolve my tension, stress, and anxiety. This, too, leads my mind to no longer need to produce unnecessary chronic pain.


The Kingdom of Sand

The Kingdom of Sand is a recent book by Andrew Holleran that I’m currently reading. He wrote Dancer from the Dance in 1978. It was about the gay scene on Fire Island before the full extent of the AIDS epidemic was really known. After the fact, it was a depressing story. A recent season of American Horror Story filled in what was happening in New York City about the same time.

This time the narrator is in his 70s and lives in or near Gainesville, Florida. His parents are dead, and he’s single and alone. I can relate, to a point. I had a husband before he died 13 years ago. We were together 46 years and got married in Canada when it became legal there. I am fortunate in having been able to find people I can be close to since, and thus creating my own family — as gay people often do.

This book is intentionally depressing. I’m only partway through it, and I can’t predict how it will end up — but I suspect that the ending won’t be a happy one.


Election 2024

I’m glad that Senator Diane Feinstein announced that she won’t run for reelection next year. I admired her when she was younger. She is long past her prime. She should have retired in 2018. I didn’t vote for her then but supported Alex Padilla, who now capably serves in Kamala Harris’s former seat.

I support Adam Schiff. He will represent California best in the Senate in 2025.


Transcendental Consciousness

In TM, the mind experiences finer states of thought and then goes beyond the experience of thought. The mind is no longer aware of thought; it is aware of itself. This state is called Transcendental Consciousness.


Finally found a WordPress Theme that really works

It’s actually been a struggle to find a theme that I like and lets me customize it to give this appearance. I wanted something simple and easy to modify. It’s kind of like the southwest desert — warm and welcoming.


Results from Meditating

The mind feels calmer, clearer, and sharper. Cognitive awareness is improved.

My sleep patterns have changed. I used to sleep poorly, waking many times during the night and often finding it difficult to go back to sleep. Now I am sleepy at bedtime, which is no change, and need to pee usually twice instead of four, and return to sleep almost immediately. I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00, which is way too early, and get up about 5:30. I need less sleep.



Naturist: Someone who believes that being unclothed is a natural state and would live this way if it wasn’t for society. There might be a natural or spiritual attachment as naturists often feel “at one” with nature and the world around them. Many naturists will say that there is nothing erotic about being nude, while others will claim that the kudalini energy and tantric energy that flows within them indicate that their sexual nature is tied to their naturism.

Nudist: A nudist is someone who gets naked situationally; a place that is safe. Examples might be at home, at a clothing-optional campground, or on vacation. Some nudists find being nude sexually stimulating while others do not. Being nude does not mean that the environment is necessarily a sexual environment (e.g. outdoors at a campground) whereas in some situations it does (e.g. the backroom of a leather bar.)

Exhibitionist: Someone who gets naked because it excites them to be seen by others — or the thought of them being caught by others. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexual high that they experience due to being seen, but often times it is.